
Activist calls for unity in Alex

ALEXANDRA – Beauty More says police and parents must work together to end crime.

Alex senior citizen and activist Beauty More has urged parents and guardians to put aside their political differences and to work together to rid the township of crime, which she said was perpetrated mainly by children and the youth.

“It’s an indictment on us for failing to rein them in. This has made them hardcore, dangerous criminals who will be difficult to rehabilitate if nothing is done quickly,” she said.

Even though she accused the police of being ineffective, she admitted that they were burdened with many cases and that parents had to help them out. Most gangs, she said, were formed in schools.

According to More, crime will end if:

  • Parents unite and provide solutions
  • The community reports drug dealers
  • Street vendors and taverns that sell cigarettes and alcohol to underage children are exposed
  • Spazas that sell drugs and other illicit goods are named and shamed
  • People are discouraged from buying stolen items
  • Illegal gun owners and dealers are exposed
  • Backyard-abortion clinics are shut down.

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Details: Beauty More 078 514 4845.

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