
Mitzvah School honours its top pupils

MORNINGSIDE - Mitzvah School honours its top students of the Saturday and holiday classes.

Mitzvah School in Morningside, Sandton, which runs Saturday and holiday classes for pupils who attend Alex high schools, honoured some of its top achievers at the school.

The school’s annual prize-giving ceremony was held, for the first time, in the hall of their new premises, built by Bet David Shul on their property in Morningside.

This was a lively and joyous occasion enjoyed, not only by pupils and staff, but also by donors, sponsors and most of all by the parents of students.

After a welcome by Rabbi Adrian Michael Schell, activities involving singing and dancing started – the vigorous gumboot dance drew particularly enthusiastic applause. Several pupils spoke impressively about the impact that Mitzvah has had on their lives and they also took the opportunity to thank sponsors and teachers, in particular principal Leslie Rosenberg, for their involvement and hard work.

Guest speaker was Munzhedzi Kutama, formerly an Alex resident who attended Mitzvah 10 years ago and is now head supervisor at the South African National Blood Services at Potchefstroom Hospital. In her speech, she said no one has to be defined by their environment or background but by what they actually become.

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Kutama added that as a child she was determined to rise above poverty and she achieved that goal thanks to education and hard work.

The handing out of prizes to the top pupils in each subject followed, and the announcement of Top Students of the Year and the winners of bursaries.

The winner of the Boston Bursary of R20 000 to attend Boston College in Randburg was Tshiamo Moeketsi, while the winner of the Adin Stamelman Bursary of R18 000 was Quaint Mthethwa.

The winner of a bursary of R20 000 in memory of Lucas Phosa and donated by Leila Green of Chicago was Thabo Prince Mpofu while the winner of the Zenprop Bursary, which is full tuition and residence for four years at a university of her choice was Kamagelo Tswai.

In closing the proceedings, Rosenberg extended congratulations to the pupils and staff for another successful year and wished pupils the best of luck for the coming matric examinations.

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