Do not tire out your tyres

JOHANNESBURG – Take better care of your car tyres, it could save your life and the lives of other road users.

A vehicle’s tyres are constantly in contact with the road and need to be maintained.

MotorHappy, a company which provides information about motoring journeys and management products, said tyres are exposed to constant wear and tear.

Managing director of the company, Kerry Cassel, explained that, unfortunately, the condition, maintenance and care of a car’s tyres are often neglected by South African motorists.

Cassel stressed that considering that South Africa has one of the highest road accident rates in the world, with tyre failure contributing to nearly 20 percent of all accidents, according to the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, and motorists cannot afford to neglect them.

She added, “Even if your car has the best braking system in the world, if your tyres are worn and neglected, it would be far more difficult to avoid an accident. The good news is that there are many measures motorists can take and simple checks they can do to ensure their tyres are in tip-top shape before they go on their next journey.”

Below is advice from MotorHappy on vehicles:

Read more: 

INFOGRAPHIC: Tyre safety tips

Tyre tips that everyone can use

Seven tips for fixing your flat and staying stress-free

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