Fake DVD and CD sellers arrested outside Pan Africa Mall

ALEXANDRA - A recent police operation outside Pan Africa Mall nets fake DVD and CD traders, dagga dealers and a man carrying a spear.

Four fake DVD and CD traders were arrested outside Pan Africa Mall during a recent police operation.

This according to Alexandra Police Station Police spokesperson, Warrant Officer Moses Maphakela, who said the police swooped on traders outside the mall. The suspects will appear in Alexandra Magistrates’ Court for trading in counterfeit goods.

Maphakela appealed to community members to report anyone they see trading in counterfeit goods as this was harmful to the country’s economy and also robs the artists of their livelihood.

In the same operation, the cops arrested 10 dagga dealers, two drunk drivers and two illegal gambling spot operators next to a church in 1st Avenue.

One man was arrested for allegedly carrying a dangerous weapon, a spear, in public.

Details: Johannes Tau of Vispol 082 447 3980 or 10111.

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