Man gets R3k bail for stealing goods worth R50K from workplace

ALEXANDRA - Employee caught on CCTV breaking in at his workplace after Christmas party

A 23-year-old employee of a supermarket in Savoy who was alleged to have broken into his workplace on 16 December last year, was granted bail of R3 000 by the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court. This to give the company more time to compile and submit further evidence in the case.

The accused was alleged to have broken into the supermarket at night after the company’s Christmas party, causing damage to the ceiling and stealing cigarettes and other items. The break-in was discovered the following morning. The estimated cost of the damage and theft was R50 000.

The accused was identified in CCTV footage. He had been at the party and evidence will determine if he remained hidden in the building after the party or returned to break in later. The following morning he didn’t go to work. A guard in the area told the court that the accused had tried to bribe him.

None of the stolen items were recovered.

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