Residents clean up the streets undettered

ALEXANDRA – Alex residents put aside their differences to clean up their streets.

Alex residents put aside social, political and other differences on 2 and 3 April in the interest of their welfare, health and hygiene.

This in response to the protracted strike by Joburg City Council’s Pikitup employees which has resulted in piled up and decaying rubbish on the street emitting a foul smell with the potential of life threatening diseases.

The strike, which seems poised to carry on as negotiations falter, has resulted in rubbish blocking streets, a festive feeding frenzy for stray dogs and thousands of rats, and the alleged intimidation by striking workers of anybody’s effort to clean up.

The strikers’ gripe is for salary increases which they say could be met partly from the R1 million council is said to pay private companies daily, improvement in work conditions including the dismissal of the agency’ managing director, Amanda Nair who they allege is embroiled in corrupt practices and improper conduct.

Undeterred by the potential of intimidation, social and political activists and leaders abrogated to themselves the right and commitment to lead the community in cleaning the streets. This with the assistance of council’s Region E which contributed plastic bags, gloves, masks and trucks that carried the rubbish to dump sites.

Councillor Shadrack Mkhonto of the Democratic Alliance said it was an unavoidable and civic duty for all, regardless of social, rank and political persuasion to engage in the clean-up to avert a disease outbreak. He commended the community for foregoing their differences and showing maturity in one common bond, health.

Activist Jabu Zondo said the venture was a must and went well after the community volunteered of their time. “Most streets were cleaned but there is still outstanding work which will continue after the supply of more plastic bags, which ran out,” Zondo said. He added that there wasn’t any intimidation.

Agnes Mamisa said she hoped the strike will end soon as the residents won’t always be available in numbers to do work that others get paid to do. “However, we will respond positively to anything that is a good cause and in our interest,” she said, declining to be pictured.

Details: Shadrack Mkhonto 079 444 1464.

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