
Husband pelts wife’s house with stones

ALEXANDRA - A jealous husband who is separated from his wife has been arrested after he allegedly pelted her house windows with stones when she arrived home at 2AM from a night vigil at her church.

A husband, who is separated from his wife, has been arrested after he allegedly pelted her house windows with stones when she arrived home at 2am from a night vigil at her church.

According to Alex cluster police spokesperson, Warrant Officer Moses Maphakela, the victim had arrived at her 1st Avenue house after a church vigil on 6 March, to find her husband sitting on the veranda.

When she inquired why he was sitting on her veranda and what he wanted, the woman said her husband started verbally abusing her. She went inside her house and locked herself in. The husband is then said to have climbed on top of the roof in a bid to try and gain entry. When this failed, he climbed off the roof and allegedly started pelting the windows of the house with stones.

He then was said to have grabbed hold of a curtain rail from one of the broken windows and allegedly tried to stab his wife with it.

She screamed for help and a neighbour called the police.

Maphakela said the man was arrested and would appear before the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court to face a charge of malicious damage to property estimated to be in the region of R1 500.

Meanwhile, a suspected drunk brother of a 21-year-old girl came home at 4am and was incensed by his sister’s failure to open the door for him timeously.

When she finally opened the door, he started hurling insults at her and said he was going to sleep elsewhere. However, he returned within a few minutes and allegedly grabbed some bricks and threw them at the door and windows.

His sister then called the police and her brother was arrested. Maphakela said he will also appear in the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court on a charge of malicious damage to property which amounted to less than R100.

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