Two nabbed for hijacking company van in Kramerville

KRAMERVILLE – Two male suspects aged 37 and 41 were arrested on suspicion of hijacking a company van.


Warrant Officer Moses Maphakela, spokesperson for Sandton Police Station said the victim’s van was parked at a local garage in Kramerville when the incident occurred.

“The victim was in the shop and when he returned to the van, he opened the driver’s door and one of the suspects approached him while pointing a firearm at him,” explained Maphakela.

He said the victim was pushed into the van and the other suspect got in the passenger side and sat next to him.

“They drove off with him to Alexandra,” added Maphakela.

“The victim said the suspects then tied his legs and drove off to Soweto while one of the suspects was busy organising someone to switch off the tracking device in the car.”

Maphakela said the victim was dropped off in Soweto where he found help and managed to contact his bosses to alert them of the incident.

The vehicle is valued at R36 000 and the suspects are expected to appear in court soon.

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