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Sowing the seeds of change in Alex

ALEXANDRA - Two young Johannesburg men have embarked on a mission to improve the lot in the impoverished township of Alexandra.

Two young Johannesburg men have embarked on a mission to improve the lot of residents in the impoverished township of Alexandra.

Pablo Lundall (26) and Kyle McIntyre (29) from Northwold and Midrand respectively, hope to do this through the development of critical thinkers in the township who will be empowered to debate and address the socio-economic conditions that prevail in Alex, for the betterment of the community.

Lundall and McIntyre believe this can be best achieved through the establishment of a multimedia interactive educational institution that will teach music, DJing, design, photography, writing skills, film production, broadcasting and animation, just to mention a few.

The institution will be known as EEL (Educate, Empower and Learn) Media Centre, and will be located in Illovo which is central to many modes of transport and close to Alex.

Lundall and McIntyre hope to open the doors of the institution in February next year with an initial 20 students but it is expected to grow to about 50 students in the first year of existence.

“We will go into the communities to hold workshops to source the students and compile a database and then screen them,” said McIntyre.

“Anyone over 20 years is eligible to enrol but there will be a cost factor for the affluent ones and the less fortunate ones will be taken care of through partnerships with industry leaders in the chosen sphere of education.”

Lundall added, “With this media centre we hope to unleash the potential in our country, especially in disadvantaged areas with more focus on Alex. This will help us and the communities to bridge the apartheid-created income and socio-economic gaps that still bedevil our society.”

Lundall likened success to discipline, saying many people were able to kick a ball, but if they did not possess the discipline and dedication needed to succeed, they could not be the Cristiano Ronaldos of this world.

“The real world is unfair, can be unforgiving and when you fall by the wayside you need to get up, dust yourself and vow to continue to do what you believe in,” Lundall said.

Details: Pablo Lundall 072 113 8839; pablo@eelcentre.org


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