
‘Squatter’ parks to get 24-hour security

JOBURG - The Joburg City Council is on a mission to reclaim its parks from illegal occupiers.

In a statement, the council said that this has been prompted by the increase in the number of illegal invasions by recyclers and others, some with full-time employment with construction companies who use the parks for free accommodation, using makeshift shacks made of plastic bags, cardboard and wood.

The council said that in one recent operation, the Johannesburg Metro Police Department found knives, toy guns, stolen goods and women’s purses, leading them to suspect that some of the illegal occupants of the parks have been involved in smash and grabs. The council statement also added that the recyclers leave the parks dirty and in disarray with litter, which further attracts crime to the surrounding suburbs. Previous attempts to remove the illegal occupants are said to have been unsustainable as they returned soon afterwards.

The region’s Citizen Relations and Urban Management, Metro police, City Parks and Joburg Zoo have identified the key hotspot parks that will receive dedicated attention with 24-hour patrols to permanently rid them of the current challenges.

They are the Field and Study Recreation Centre park in Ward 103, George Lea Park in Ward 90, Innes Free Park in Ward 91, Cheltondale, Norwood and Paterson parks in Ward 73 and James and Ethel Gray Park in Ward 74.

Detail: 082 467 9228.

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