
Alert employee nips fraud in the bud

ALEXANDRA - An alert employee of Barko Financial Services saved the company R5 000 when a customer tried to fraudulently apply for a loan.

An alert employee of Barko Financial Services saved the company R5 000 when a customer recently tried to fraudulently apply for a loan.

The company, which is based at the Yarona Building in the Pan Africa Mall complex, was approached by a client who wanted to apply for a loan of R5 000 but was stopped in his tracks by an alert employee.

According to Alex police spokesperson, Warrant Officer Moses Maphakela, the alleged fraudster is said to have presented fake Capitec Bank statements.

It is alleged that the suspect had photocopied the logo of Capitec bank and its stamp and pasted them onto his documents.

Upon suspecting fraud, the employee then locked the entrance gates to the building to prevent the suspect from fleeing the scene. She then contacted her superiors who verified the documents and agreed that they were fraudulent.

Police were called and the suspect was arrested. He is expected to appear in the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court soon on charges of possession of fraudulent documents.

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