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Alex’s hijacking hotspots revealed

ALEXANDRA - Alex’s hi-jacking and smash and grab spots have been revealed and are on two main routes in and out of the township.

Two main routes in and out of Alex have been identified as hijacking and smash-and-grab hotspots.

Alex Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Manare Ramotshela said the hotspots were at all intersections, traffic lights, stop signs and traffic circles along Vincent Tshabalala Road and Lenin Drive.

He said most hijackers and robbers worked in teams and scouted the area, identified and observed their victims’ movements and behaviour when travelling near the hotspots.

“Working in numbers enables them to distract the victim while others move around and break into the vehicle, or haul the motorist out of their car either at gun or knife point or by using any threatening item.”

Ramotshela said these criminals were brazen and pounced at any time of day, but especially at peak morning and evening times or whenever an easy victim presented him or herself.

He added that hardly a week passed without a reported hijacking in this area and urged motorists to be more vigilant.

“Motorists should keep windows closed, doors locked, keep a distance of at least a vehicle from the car ahead to enable one to drive off when attacked, keep all possessions in the boot, not to fidget and attract attention, and not to resist when attacked to avoid injury or death, and also to vary one’s routes,” he advised.

He urged Alex residents to help by reporting crime to 10111 or 011 321 7624.

Details: Alex Police Station 011 321 7600

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