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Miss SA warms Alex with blankets

ALEXANDRA - Miss South Africa 2015, Liesl Laurie descended on Alexandra with her entourage laden with blankets for orphans and the elderly.

Miss South Africa 2015, Liesl Laurie, visited Alexandra with her entourage laden with blankets for the orphans and elderly of the community.

Assisted by Sun International’s corporate social investment programme, Laurie said she was more than excited to be part of what she described as an amazing and heartwarming project in the oldest township in the country.

“Alexandra and I, and its people, share similar backgrounds. I am also a community girl from humble beginnings who never dreamt one day she would be Miss South Africa but here I am,” she said to a loud applause from her audience of more than 10 community organisations which are all recipients of her charity work.

Laurie donated the blankets to the Alexandra Health Centre and University Clinic. The CEO of the clinic Dr Labane Maluleke said the blankets would all be donated to various charity organisations within Alexandra.

He listed some of the organisations as Betang Pelo Home-Based Care, Alex Hospice and Rehabilitation Centre, Ratang Bana, Sondla Umphakathi, Refiloe Legae, CCMT Kidz, and Ward 81 elders under the care of councillor Mokgadi Radebe.

Johan Scheepers of Sun International’s Maslow Hotel in neighbouring Sandton said they were going to be handing out more blankets in many parts of Johannesburg leading up to Mandela Day and the winter that was upon the country.

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