Man who hacked woman and child reportedly dies in hospital

ALEXANDRA - A man who hacked his estranged girlfriend's sister (27) to death and also attempted to murder his girlfriend's daughter (6)  has reportedly died in hospital.

He was under guard at Helen Joseph Hospital where police are said to have found, shackled and charged him after he attempted suicide allegedly through poisoning.

Read the original story here

Although police are yet to confirm the death, the deceased victim’s relatives said they had received a call from the police confirming the man’s death as when they were preparing for the burial of the victim. The burial will take place at the victim’s family home in Malamulele, Limpopo on 23 May. The man is said to also be from Limpopo.

A relative of the victim said the man had taken the child from Bovet primary where she was in grade one and also lured the deceased to his home on 18th Avenue in Alexandra where he hacked both with a panga. However the child survived.

She is now recuperating. The deceased had recently come to Joburg from Limpopo to attend a computer course.

“Now that he is also deceased, we are unsure of what will become of the case before there can be any closure.” the relative said.

The relative added that the incident has left the family traumatised. “It seemed he wanted to get at his girlfriend through innocent people, one whom is now deceased, and the other is a child who will need help to live and cope with the scars and trauma from the experience.”

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