Christian youths fight to nyaope

ALEXANDRA - Christians have declared war on nyaope which they regard as a new scourge destroying families.

Christian youths have declared war on nyaope they say is a new scourge destroying families.

This was announced by Youth for Christ an interfaith group which marched in Alex recently to challenge social ills they said are decimating society with nyaope which came into the limelight two years ago topping the list. It has now been classified a drug which users and peddlers can be prosecuted for. They identified other scourges as all other drugs, alcohol, teenage pregnancy and crime.

Their outcry about the drug is that not much is being done to stamp it out resulting in many children getting addicted, dropping out of school and stealing from homes, relatives, neighbours and anywhere they can find anything to sell to sustain the drug habit. The youths said it was time to highlight the negative effects of the drug which also affects churches as some of their colleagues are hocked, rely on churches for feeding and material support and also steal church collections, cameras, phones and gates taking advantage of security laxity at the holy places.

Itumeleng Sebata said it was painful seeing colleagues turned into zombies by the drug and was time to take a stand. “Many of our siblings and friends have their bright future blighted by the addiction.” They marched from the Alex Plaza to the Jukskei Park with five prayer points on the way to pass the anti nyaope and drug

message to residents urging them to get active against a scourge destroying their own children. Sebata also expressed concern on lack of police apprehending known peddlers and the community for not reporting them when their children where turned into zombies by people they knew.

One of the youths, Boitumelo Modibo said they would also partner professional organisations working on drug and substance addiction to increase public awareness and to treat those wanting to kick the habit. Other efforts would be urging scrap yards to desist buying items from addicts. She urged parents and the community not to isolate addicted children but to refer them to rehabilitation institutions.

Details: Boitumelo Modibo; 071 050 2866

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