Safety of SABS approved stove querried

ALEXANDRA - A non profit organization lobbying for alternative energy for poor communities is concerned of safety of some energy producing products in the market.

A non-profit organisation lobbying for alternative energy for poor communities is concerned of safety of some energy-producing products in the market.

This was after their discovery of faults with a paraffin stove which when launched, manufacturers claimed was safe for public use unlike other models which were condemned for causing shack fires when they tipped over.

Joe Baleka of Tshwarisanang Environmental Pro-Re-Active Safety Mentors said the stove available in many local retail shops was said to have been approved by the South African Bureau of Standards [Sabs].

Baleka said the safety mechanism which switches off the stove and fire when it tips over malfunctioned within months of purchase and use. “This leaves owners at risk from spilled paraffin igniting their homes.” He said this after two shack residents at the former Organic Market demonstrated the faults on the stoves they bought less than six months ago.

He added that consumers especially in poor areas were vulnerable to this sought of abuse and exploitation as they had no one to help enforce their rights guaranteed through the Consumer Protection Act. He advised those who had the malfunctioning stove which costs R90 that even if there was no warranty on the stove, they could return the product provided they had the receipts to prove purchase. “But they will still face a risk of the stoves malfunctioning again after a short period if they get a similar model.”

He urged Sabs to monitor the product’s safety regularly as manufacturers would have only submitted a quality batch for inspection and approval.

Baleka further advised those who purchased the stoves and any other items for personal or household use to always retain receipts in case of any problems with the items. They could consult his organisation for help, which is located next to the Alex Emergency Management Services [Fire Station], corner Alfred Nzo Street and 8th Avenue.

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