College laments high school rejects

ALEXANDRA - The Alex campus of Central Johannesburg College is concerned about the quality of some intakes from local high schools.

A vocational and skills training institute, the college offers employment and artisan-oriented courses in the engineering, electrical, construction, textile and manufacturing sectors. Its trainees are from in and around Alex.

Campus manager Jeff Sibeko said some of the students came to the college unprepared and incapable of handling the demands of their courses. “These students, regarded as high school rejects, and others with behavioural problems, were pushed onto the college with the expectation that the college would perform miracles by moulding them into quality college leavers, which was not possible, he said.

“It may be that the schools want to improve their results by retaining only the assumed better students,” said Sibeko.

He added that the intakes they push on to the college to improve should have been better prepared for the schools’ academic content through interventions starting at an earlier stage. This would help them for when they were referred to the college, he said.

Sibeko added that the college also struggled with meeting a high demand for enrolment which is above the 1 250 limit – this is partly due to the lack of space for expansion. They were contemplating what to do with 60 additional students who qualify for artisan training in engineering technology who they hope authorities will approve.

“This is in order to squeeze in many mostly poor students who can’t afford travelling elsewhere for similar courses,” he said.

If accepted, the extra students would attend afternoon and evening sessions

Sibeko added that many who completed the courses were employed as mechanics and electricians, while others started their own businesses in the textile, clothing, fashion and design industry. The campus also partners with the Centre for Employment Enterprise Development to prepare them for employment and survival at work and in their own businesses. This is in addition to other life orientation programmes offered by the college.

Details: 011 351 6056.

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