Call for tougher discipline at Alex schools

ALEXANDRA - Alex development organisations are partnering schools to create a conducive learning environment and improve performance.

Alex development organisations are partnering with schools to create an environment more conducive to learning.

The initiative is partly in reaction to the drop in the area’s school matric pass rate which dropped 11.2 percent from an average of 83.58 percent in 2013 to 74 percent last year for all the schools.

Councillors and representatives of non-profit organisation Ubuhlobo Bokwenene, the Youth Forum, the ANC youth and women’s leagues, community police forum, community development workers and parents visited KwaBhekilanga Secondary School to lend their support.

Principal Jubera Selowa said it was imperative for community structures to be involved in children’s education. “The preparation of children for school starts with good discipline at home and with schools adding the education component in the classroom,” said Selowa.

He said children should be disciplined in behaviour so that they can understand and know the value of punctuality. He added that some children left home early but loitered in parks waiting for friends, smoking and using drugs before arriving late at school and disturbing other pupils.

Phumzile Sithole of the women’s league insisted that schools should assist in enforcing discipline. “If a military style of discipline is appropriate to change negative attitudes impeding learning, they should be supported to do so within acceptable guidelines,” said Sithole.

Siphokazi Mphahlwana of Ubuhlobo Bokwenene said the partnership should be permanent to make learning safe, challenging and enjoyable by getting rid of dangerous weapons and drugs, and to stop pupils bunking.

Details: Ubuhlobo Bokwenene 011 050 1991.

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