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Tummy-full of joy for Thabisong children on Mandela Day

ALEXANDRA _ Meals on Wheels, in association with the Joburg CBD's Simmonds Street Standard Bank branch, brought a tummy-full joy for the children of Thabisong Daycare Centre in 8th Avenue.

Meals on Wheels, in association with the Joburg CBD’s Simmonds Street Standard Bank branch, brought a tummy-full of joy for the children of Thabisong Daycare Centre in 8th Avenue.

The Meyerton branch of Meals on Wheels brought food and other goodies for the close to 100 children of this iconic crèche that was started by the St Michaels Anglican Church many years ago. Erika Botha of Meals on Wheels said they teamed up with the bank to bring joy to the children on this Mandela Day of community service.

Besides the sumptuous lunch for the children, Botha said her team of three staff members and five from the bank also established a vegetable garden for the crèche which she hopes will not only supply the children with fresh vegetables, but also cut down on its monthly food bill.

“We also hope that this vegetable garden can also assist the community surrounding its premises and that of the church. We have been assured by the administrators of the crèche that surplus vegetables will offered to the community as well,” Botha said.

Botha, who said this was their first time in Alexandra, said they had established a relationship with the crèche that she hoped would blossom with the passage of time. “We are going to come to the crèche from time to time to monitor the development of the garden to ensure that it becomes a sustainable project.

“This is not a once-off project as many tend to be. We are coming back in a month’s time to check the progress and further advise the teachers on its continued sustainability,” said Botha.

Crèche administrator Ntsoaki Tshoagong said she was delighted to have played host to the Meals on Wheels staff and that of Standard Bank. “I am convinced all of us will endeavour to build on this relationship and take it to greater heights,” she said.

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