Alex protesters granted bail

More than 100 people who have been charged with public violence will appear in the Randburg court following safety concerns.

UPDATE: 12 May, 5pm: 59 members of political parties charged with cases of public violence following national and provincial elections last week were, this afternoon granted bail of R300 or R500 by the Alexandra Magistrate’s Court. According to a DA official who paid bail for his party’s two arrested members, the cases have been postponed to 26 June and transferred to the Randburg Magistrate’s Court for space and security reasons. He said the situation in court was calm and the area seemed to be returning to normal.

UPDATE: 12 May, 14:50pm: Following the arrest of EFF supporters last week in Alexandra, the public violence case against the suspects has been moved to the Randburg Magistrates Court for security and space reasons.

It is believed that supporters of the EFF and IFp at the Alexandra Magistrates Court were making transport arrangements after finding out their members will be appearing at the Randburg Magistrates Court.

Over 100 people have been arrested. The state prosecutor said it would be unwise for all of those arrested to appear in Alexandra, citing security concerns.

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Scroll down to read how the drama unfolded in Alexandra.


UPDATE: 11 May, 9.50am:

Ward 75 Councillor Chris Mabunda believes normality can only return to Beirut once the warring parties there accept the outcome of the elections.

Beirut was the nickname given to what is common known in Alexandra as the Reconstruction Area (RCA), which covers the areas around Madala and KwaNobuhle hostels, bound by Vincent Tshabalala Road to the south and Alfred Nzo to the north and stretching from 1st Avenue up until 6th Avenue and behind the torched clinic and including the KwaNobuhle Hostels which is just across 6th Avenue behind the Thusong Service Centre in 8th.

It was nicknamed “Beirut” in the height of the conflict between the ANC and IFP supporters in the area during the late 1980s up until the late 1990s. This was after the Lebanese capital symbolising the fighting in that city many years ago.

Asked about the wayforward for peace in Beirut, Mabunda said it was only for the warring parties – the IFP and EFF to accept the results of the elections as free and fair and then “we can all move forward and start preparing for the Municipal Elections of 2016”.

“Julius [Malema] must accept defeat and move forward in the spirit of Ntate [Nelson] Mandela. We all need peace in Alexandra and we call for all warring parties to try and normalise the situation in that area of Alex,” Mabunda said.

He said police and army will continue to patrol the area until normality returns. On allegations from residents in the area that he was part of the problem around the dumped ballot boxes, Mabunda said, “I don’t understand why I am accused of being part of the problem. What did I do wrong? I can’t tell you why they think I am part of the problem as they started the problem and when it’s hot they blame Mabunda.”

On the fate of the arrested leaders of the EFF and IFP and their supporters, Mabunda said the law will have to take its course. “I don’t know why they were arrested. Only the police know that and it’s not for me to do anything about.”

On the failed community meeting on Saturday, Mabunda wondered as to who had called for a meeting. “I was not aware of any community meeting. The only meeting I knew about was the ANC meeting at Sankopano on the same day and it had nothing to do with issues around Madala Hostel.”


UPDATE: 11 May, 7am

Riots broke out again last night, after residents started throwing bricks and stones at police.

Police retaliated by throwing stunt grenades and firing rubber bullets at the angry crowds.

According to EWN, the riots broke out at about 10pm, hours after the results of the National Elections were announced.

Residents and political party members believe the votes were rigged and have said they will protest until their demands are met.

On 9 May, residents said they wanted a new vote for the Alex region.

UPDATE: 10 May, 6.30pm :

Alex residents have described the tension and conflict from yesterday (9 May) as a war zone, with some residents saying they feared for their lives.

Meanwhile AaNC members are gathering at Luthuli House to celebrate their victory. Alex News previously reported that conflict in the area broke out after members of the IFP accused the ANC and ICE of manipulating the 2014 National Elections.

Two IEC ballot boxes were found hidden in the area. On 9 May police arrested 44 people, some of which were accused of setting an IEC office in the area alight. Their cases will be heard in court on  12 May. Residents took to looting foreign owned shops and could be seen throwing stones at police and army officials who were trying to restore calm to the area.

UPDATE: 10 May, 8.30am: 

Alex News has been unable to get formal confirmation about three alleged deaths as a result of last night’s violence.

There have been 44 arrests since the protesting began. Those arrested will appear in court on Monday.

The IFP, DA and EFF have lodged a formal complaint against the ANC with the IEC. Tension is rife in Alex in at the moment as the nation awaits the release of the 2014 General Election results expected at 6pm tonight.

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UPDATE: 10 May, 6.50am

By 6.50am police and the South African army were getting ready to start their morning operations.

Residents in the area say police used rubber bullets to disperse angry crowds from about 7pm last night. One shop owner, who was scared to be named by the media, said police stole R200 and cigarettes from his shop during last nights operations.

An Alex News BBM contact has said comrades, provincial leaders, led by Cde Paul Mashatile and David Makhura would be in Zone 13 at 12pm today.

The contact was urging all BEC, BET and VD coordinators party agents and volunteers to attend the meeting.

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UPDATE: 10 May, 12.30am

Residents of Alex have demanded police release their leaders and have said they will “do whatever they want” until their leaders are free.

Speaking to Alex News angry protesters said IFP leader at KwaNobuhle Hostel, Ernest Langa, along with many other leaders had been arrested at about 12pm.

Residents said they would be ready to negotiate with police when these community leaders were released. Protesters have been throwing stones at police and evading arrest throughout the night. “Protesters have looted several shops in the area,”  said Sipho Siso, editor of Alex News.

UPDATE: 10 May, 12am

Reports are coming through that more shots have been fired, this time at Madala Hostel. 

UPDATE: 9 May, 11.34pm

Police in Alex have said protesting residents have burnt a Somalian shop.

This comes after residents, angered by alleged voting irregularities, took to the streets to voice their concerns.

According to the  Alex News editor, Sipho Siso, who is in the area, no army vehicles have been deployed, despite the announcement made by Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane . 

Police on the scene have said a group of resident have been making their way from 6th Avenue back to Pan Africa Mall near 1st Avenue.

They are burning tyres and are believed to be violent. Police say a part from this group, calm has  been restored in the area. Heavy police presence is still at Madala and Kwa Nobuhle hostels.

UPDATE: 9 May, 10.03pm

Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane has said the South African army has been deployed to Alex. 

“The provincial police commissioner [Lieutenant General Joel Mothiba] has informed me that people in Alexandra have been attacking buildings and assaulting others… the army is moving as we speak,” she said.

This comes after clashes between political parties after the national elections.

Earlier today, the area was under heavy police presence with police being forced to use rubber bullets and stun grenades.

Alex News previously reported that shots were fired, resulting in three people allegedly being killed. Police have denied using real ammunition to displace angry crowds.

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UPDATE: 9 May, 6.50pm:

Calm has been restored to Alex although there is still heavy police presence in the area.

UPDATE: 9 May, 5.40PM

DA member Shadirck Mahonto, has said a group of IFP members went to the Randburg Magistrates Court this afternoon, to find out what was happening with 30 people that police arrested earlier on in the day, in connection an IEC office that was set alight.

The members were told the court would only hear the matter on 12 May.

Mahonto confirmed two DA members were among the group that was arrested.

When the IFP members returned to the area they voiced their concerns regarding election irregularities.

Alex News has learnt that three people were allegedly killed when the crowd got out of hand and shots were fired. It is unclear who fired the shots.

The area around Pan Africa Mall has been cornered off and shops have been closed. It is alleged angry residents have now moved to 6th Avenue, where they are burning tyres.

UPDATE: 5.10pm

According to an Alex resident, who did not want to be named – three people have been killed as a result of shots fired in the area.

There is a heavy police presence in the area.

Alex News BBM contact , Ahmedbanda, said  “Residents are burning tyres near Pan Africa Mall. Some people are running to save their lives and their shops have been closed. ”

He said two helicopters were circling the area. It is alleged a group of EFF members went to the SABC this afternoon, in an attempt to delay the announcement of the election results.

When they returned to Alex, they headed for Pan Africa Mall on 1stAvenue – where they started toyi-toyiing and shouting demands at a crowed that had gathered. Residents, which included IFP and ANC members retaliated against the EEF, who claimed the votes on 7 May had been rigged. At this stage, it is unclear who fired the shots near Pan Africa Mall however.

UPDATE: 9 May 4.35pm

Residents in Alex have vowed to take to the streets if voting is not redone in the area Residents have accused the ANC of vote rigging after two ballot boxes were found in the area.

Earlier today IFP members were toyi-toyiing outside the IEC center, which had been burnt overnight.

Gauteng legislature member, Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane, has said protesting residents must accept that the ANC has won the area, but residents don’t seem to want to come to terms with the IEC’s findings.

The IEC is set to announce the election results on 11 May.

UPDATE: 9 May 12.30pm:

EFF’s Ward 105 leader Mishack Hlophe said his members were not involved in the torching of the clinic although they were part of the crowd that was demonstrating outside the centre following the discovery of ballot boxes dumped in various locations in Alexandra.

Hlophe said they went to join the IFP members who were toyi-toyiing outside the centre.

“I was part of the EFF group who went to the scene and later left to go home and sleep. I switched off my phone and only discovered in the morning that people were trying to get hold of me in connection with the arrests.”

“Our members were part of the crowd of 30 people picked up by the police following the torching of the clinic, but the information I have is that none of them were involved in the incident. The party has set its lawyers on the case and hopefully they should be released anytime soon,” Hlophe said.

IFP leader at KwaNobuhle Hostel, Ernest Langa, also denied that his party members were involved in the torching of the clinic. “I have no information on any IFP members torching a clinic in Alexandra. As far as I know they were just demonstrating outside the centre,” he added.

Democratic Alliance councillor Shadrack Mkhonto, whose members are believed to have been part of the group toyi-toyiing outside the centre, could not be reached for comment as his cellphone was on voicemail.

UPDATE: 9 May, 10.30: Disgruntled members of the Democratic Alliance, the Inkatha Freedom Party and Economic Freedom Fighters are alleged to have torched a clinic building inside the Thusong Service Centre in 8th Avenue, Alexandra. Police said 30 members of the three parties have been taken into custody on public violence charges and will appear in court soon.

The building is said to have been set alight at midnight on 8 May following day-long demonstrations outside.

The demonstrators were disgruntled about ballot boxes that were dumped in various locations in Alexandra, and DA, IFP and EFF members have pointed fingers at the Independent Electoral Commission accusing it of vote rigging in collusion with the ANC. Petrol bombs are believed to have been used in torching the clinic building. Emergency management Services were able to get the fire under control before it caused extensive damage. Alexandra resident and ANC member, Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane described the allegations of vote rigging as misplaced. “All these allegations are misplaced,” she said. “These parties are just bitter that the ANC has won those wards which they used to control for a long time.” Our reporter at the scene is still trying to locate members of the three parties to give their side of the story.

9 May, 8.30: Two empty ballot boxes were discovered at two home in Alexandra late afternoon yesterday fuelling speculation of wide spread irregularities and rigging in the area. The boxes with authentic IEC markings and opened seals were discovered by EFF members at two homes in close proximity at corner of Richard Baloyi Avenue and 15th Avenue.

One was wedged between two building and the other removed from a house by a female resident of the home. The EFF said the wedged one had been brought to the spot by a young boy who couldn’t be located at the site. The woman Nkone Mothiba said the other one was brought to the house by her nephew a student at Realogile Secondary School which was one of the polling stations in ward 105.

The boxes were found in ward 107. The student said he got the box from a school friend who had picked it from the school dumb and intended to use it for a school chart project. Both boxes were marked voter district no 32850828, ward 105, and differed in batch no 2 of 3 dated 6 May and batch no 7 of 12 of 7 May. Agitated crowds had gathered at the two sites and police cordoned of the homes as crime scenes. The EFF members were joined by DA and IFP members in condemning the discovery. “We have maintained that the IEC is an extension of government and this discovery puts onus on them (IEC) to prove their independence,” said Shadrack Mkhonto a DA official. csaid, “the discovery was part of many indiscretions by IEC officials in most of the voting centres in Alexandra.

This discovery is a violation of the electoral rules and code of conduct as the boxes are entrusted with the IEC and supposed to contain their specific ballot papers and retained until the conclusion of the voting, counting, declaration of results.This discovery is irrefutable evidence for an official complaint with the IEC hoping they will attend to it fairly,” he said. Some IFP members said they had also noted irregularities at other poling centres. They include the discovery of an opened special vote at the Women of Peace Centre poling station on 8th Avenue, the display of ANC party regalia at Roman Catholic Church on 2nd Avenue in contravention of prohibiting regulations and the alleged dismissal of an IEC official who had been caught with a bundle of unexplained identity documents. By the evening police had collected the two boxes to a place of safety and advised the EFF to lodge a complaint for onward submission to relevant authorities.

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