Plan to address Alex dumping

ALEXANDRA - The amount of piling rubbish in Alexandra and the need to enforce strict adherence to city bylaws has been acknowledged by officials from the City of Johannesburg.

After complaints about rubbish littering the streets of Alex, City of Johannesburg officials Tiisetso Mphenyeke and Andrea McGahey acknowledged the issue, saying the city has included in its 2014/15 Integrated and Development Plan (IDP) budgets and projects to address the problem.

City officials were commenting on the piles of rubbish which have become a common sight in the streets of Alexandra, with residents dumping as they wish.

The new plan includes bylaw enforcement, provision of 240-litre bins, building of fenced rubble transfer stations, cleaning of pavements and the development of food gardens in open spaces.

This will be implemented by various city agencies such as Pikitup, Metro police, social development, co-operatives, governance and traditional affairs.

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