How to claim for pothole damage

JOBURG - Following our pothole story this morning (which was, in fact, an April Fool's Joke) here is a detailed report on how to claim for pothole damage.

Stuck with costly vehicle damage due to poor road conditions? Here’s what to do.

The Johannesburg Roads Agency has outlined the requirements for submitting a claim for vehicle damage.

Agency spokesperson Bertha Peters-Scheepers said the affected party was required to lodge the incident with the agency by informing its claims department of the incident and providing the date, time, location and any other relevant information.

This can be done telephonically or via email.

The claims department will thereafter establish whether the alleged incident falls within the agency’s jurisdiction and if so, will proceed by sending the claimant a claim form.

Once the claim form has been completed, it must be submitted together with:

Within three days of receiving all the aforementioned documents, the agency will provide acknowledgement of receipt by telephone or email and issue the claimant with a claim reference number.

The claims process takes a minimum of 30 working days.

According to Scheepers, motorists can also make claims for other poor road conditions, including gravel and manholes.

However, these should be legitimate and not the result of driver recklessness or negligence.

Read our April Fool’s joke story here

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