Mandela laid to rest

JOBURG - Stantesman and international icon will be laid to rest today

The funeral of Nelson Mandela took place in Qunu today.

“This is our first fully fledged state funeral,” said Baleka Mbete during the ceremony. “It has been an unprecedented week – rivers of tears about the son of this humble community. He leaves us with a new constitution and developing human rights ethos.

“The testimony of the leadership of our leader who lies here today.”

The ceremony was punctuated by a combined choir singing hims and featured eulogies from African leardes and close friends such as Ahemd Kathrada, Winnie Madikizela Mandela, Bantu Holomisa and President Jacob Zuma.

“We have been blessed by many remarkable men and women, and formations inside and outside the country. Blessed by the ANC. We are deeply grateful to Madiba. We are grateful that we live in a lively democracy. Deeply grateful to each and everyone of us who can proudly call us South Africans,” said Kathrada in his adress.

“Last time I saw Madiba alive was when I saw him hospital. He tightly held my hand. Overwhelming emotions – I wished I did not have to confront what I saw. … He has left us to join the A-team of the ANC, the ANC for which he sacrificed his whole life.”

The funeral was attended by Prince Albert of Monaco, Prince Charles, Kenneth Kaunda, former prime ministers, deputy heads of state and government, heads of international organisations.

Following the funeral the coffin was taken to the family gravesite for burial. Access to the burial was restricted on the wishes of the Mandela family, who invited just 450 special guests. The funeral will be conducted in line with traditional Xhosa rites.

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