Tough job ahead for netball committee

SANDTON - Newly elected chairperson of the Region E Netball structure Keitumetsi Makola talks of tough times that lie ahead for the sport.

Members of the the newly elected Region E netball structure have a tough job on their hands.

The members are expected to return netball back to its former glory in the region.

Keitumetsi Makola, the region’s chairperson believes that they are up for the challenge.

“I am honoured to be elected as the chairperson,” she said. “There is a lot of work before us but we are ready for the pressure. We have a team of people who have been in netball whether it’s through coaching or playing.”

She said netball was currently non-existent in the region and they were planning on bringing it back by starting in schools. “We need those facilities in townships to encourage girls to move away from the streets and avoid drugs, alcohol and pregnancy,” said Makola.

She is the sports director at Wendywood High School and has a passion for netball which she started playing at the age of seven. She has been awarded provincial colours.

“We want to go to primary and high schools and introduce tournaments and leagues. We have backing from the government and I am glad that the government is finally recognising the sport.”

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