Dcess Clothing is Italian-inspired

ALEXANDRA – Kgoerano Kekana says her failed magazine venture ultimately led her to a career in fashion design.


For over a year, Kgoerano Kekana had been dreaming of starting her own Italian-inspired fashion line – and her dream has now come true.

Following challenges faced when she was starting her fashion and lifestyle magazine, Kekana decided to venture into the fashion industry. “When I was planning to get my magazine off the ground, many fashion houses that I approached to borrow clothes from did not heed our calls, so I thought I should start making my own clothes to help the magazine with the fashion aspect,” she said.

Dcess clothing does not only sell clothes, but personality as well. Photo: Thabang Kuaho

A public relations (PR) professional by day, she closed the door on her magazine plan to focus on her PR and fashion careers. “I thank God for that failed business because it has led me to my strongest desire.”

The self-proclaimed fashionista said she could not be any happier. “I love fashion and I love PR. I do not see myself doing anything else, but I still want to continue with the magazine because I never leave things unfinished.”

Kekana’s clothing line, Dcess Clothing, is inspired by Italian style. “I love Italian fashion because it is beautiful and unique, that is why I want to give people that opportunity to wear Italian-inspired clothing.”

She aims to build a network of women through selling her clothing.

Kgoerano Kekana shows off one of her Italian-inspired dresses. Photo: Thabang Kuaho

“One’s energies must reflect in the way you dress, that is why we do not only sell clothing but personality as well.”

Her love of fashion came from seeing people around the township putting effort into the way they dressed to make sure they looked good. “Growing up, I would admire people in Alex who dressed well. I saw that dressing well actually gave you confidence. That is where my love for fashion came from.”

Currently, Dcess clothing only caters to women but there are plans to start range for men. “As a woman, the focus is currently on us, but I am not shutting men out entirely. We are planning to cater for them in the future.”

Details: Instagram; @Dcess_Clothing; www.dcessclothing.co.za

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