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Zenzeleni and Bovet primary schools kick-start initiative to promote their cultural heritage

ALEXANDRA – Zenzeleni and Bovet reignite cultural interest.


Pupils from Zenzeleni and Bovet primary schools kick-started an initiative to promote their cultural heritage and social cohesion starting with this year’s Heritage Day celebration on 24 September.

Thandi Gumede, the principal of Zenzeleni which hosted various cultural activities, said the idea was long overdue. “Everyone derives his or her identity from their culture which many Africans have lost as they aspire to define themselves through others, to their own detriment. It’s important that children are helped to grow up knowing and understanding who they are.”

Zenzeleni Primary School’s Lesley Mgubudu and Sive Ndaku flank teacher Thabo Maake.

She said the absence of cultural knowledge and values has led to different linguistic groups perceiving each other in negative ways.

Zenzeleni Primary School’s 13-year-old poet Asanda Mchunu thrills the crowd.

“They stigmatise one another from a very young age instead of enriching each other from their different positive cultural aspects. As future custodians of our heritage, it’s important to inculcate cultural respect in them while still at school to prevent a total collapse of our identity.”

Schools, she added, should be platforms for them to love, embrace each other and unite around their cultural diversity.

Youngsters at Zenzeleni and Bovet Primary School proudly display their identity.

The occasion pitted groups clad in traditional attire against each other in isiZulu and isiXhosa and, chiTshonga and tshiVenda cultural dances, poetry and drama. “It was so beautiful, and not in my wildest dreams did I think I would witness children so adept and proud in their cultural expression. Also, they sampled various traditional foods which sadly, have been replaced by pizza and other food not of their own.”

Zenzeleni Primary schoolgirl Aviwe Nozibele with teacher Thabo Maake and her peers, Lindokuhle Kotishini and Lihle Sokolo express their identity.

Gumede will motivate schools teaching other African languages to join the initiative at next year’s celebration and wants the event to be conducted on a more regular basis.

Details: Zenzeleni Primary School 011 882 8422.

Read: Law firm inculcates rights culture in Alex

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