The Beast Challenge is more than just an obstacle race. It’s about pushing beyond your personal limits; it’s about testing your strength, stamina and mental grit. It’s all about getting dirty, having fun, and having great stories to tell by unleashing your inner beast.

The Beast Challenge obstacle race has something for everyone, whether you’re new to obstacle racing, a fierce competitor or an enthusiastic spectator. There is something for all fitness and experience levels, whether you’re new to obstacle racing, a fierce competitor.

All fitness levels are welcome!

Its an adventure race, but is not necessarily about competing with other people, it’s about challenging yourself. It involves trail running and running across rivers, climbing, crawling, and sliding your way across numerous obstacles, designed by competitors themselves.

The Home of The Beast Challenge is The Wedge, Beyers Naude Drive, Mudlersdrift which is 50 minutes from Pretoria and 30 minutes from Sandton.

There are 3 levels:

The Tame Beast: +- 5km (R340)

The Wild Beast: +- 10km (R340)

The Savage Beast +-15km (R370) for the super competitive.

The course routes, distances and obstacles change every event. So there will always be something new and exciting to challenge you.

The chosen charity is CLAW.

The Beast Challenge have made a point to give back at each race & this years charity is CLAW… proceeds will be going to CLAW & the Beast Team have dedicated their support to helping CLAW with maintenance work (e.g Building of kennels, donations etc)

“All participants as well as spectators have been encouraged to bring whatever animal stuff they can (food blankets toys etc.). The whole message that we are trying to put across is to adopt dogs rather than buy.”

On the actual day, there is going to be some awesome entertainment, the whole layout of the day has been designed around spectators and all sorts of festivities, all spectators are welcome at no cover charge, there is safe parking available, a beer/food tent, showers for the entrants.

For more info Click Here.

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