South Africa Most Beautiful Road Race

Distance & Entry Fee

Pre Entries (Closing 25 Sep 2017):
10km Challenge – R 80,00
5km Run / Walk – R 80,00
Marks Park Sports Club Judith Road, Emmerentia, Joburg
GPS co-ordinates: S 26.1648°
E 28.0041°
Start Time:
8amCollection Of Race Numbers:
In-Store Entries:
When entering at the listed SUPERSPAR and Sport stores you will receive your race number (with timing chip) and temporary licence number

Online Entries:
All online entrants must collect their race numbers (with timing chip) and temporary licence numbers (if applicable) at Marks Park Sports Club on the following dates:
• 5th – 7th October 2017, 10h00 – 16h00
• 8th – October 2017, 06h00 – 07h30

Late Entries @ Venue: 
10 & 5km: R90
5th – 7th October 2017 – 10h00 – 16h00
8th – October 2017 – 06h00 – 07h30

Temporary Licence:
10km Only:  R20,00
No temporary licence required for 5km

Enter As Follows:
• In-store Entries:
In-store entries will open on 7th August 2017.
Enter at one of the listed SUPERSPAR and Sport stores.
• Online Entries:

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