
Is Samuel L Jackson here any time soon?

ALEXANDRA - So, the Americans have decided, and all we can do now is live with that decision despite how much we may detest the man, Donald Trump, and his racist bigotry.

The man won the American presidential election on a tirade of racist rantings that sent everybody in the world scurrying for cover each he opened his mouth to speak, with the exception of those Americans that share his philosophy and vision of how Americans must co-exist with everybody else in the world.

Trump expressed his hatred for anything and everything that is off white, ranging from cultural believes and the colour of the skin to religious worship. He made everybody that is off white to feel very small and next to nothing, which was reminiscent of the bad old slavery day days, where Africans and other off white nationals were regarded as next to trash.

The racist bigot said he was going to erect a high enough wall to keep away Mexicans from intoxicating Americans with their unsavoury lifestyle. He described South Africa as a lawless state that has been overrun by criminals while the Islamic community the world over was nothing but a bunch of booby-trapped terrorists waiting to blow up themselves to get at others.

But despite his shear dislike and hate for anybody off white, the Americans went ahead and overwhelmingly elected this bigot as their number citizen. We cannot help but wonder what the same Americans would have said and thought of an African or any other off white person who would have run his entire election campaign based on such bigotry.

Americans are known to be quick to crush anything that despises whiteness and I am sure they would not have hesitated to use the might of an elephant’s stumps to crush that ant. You should have watched ‘Mississippi is burning’ to understand their hate for anyone that is off white.

If you had the spare time as well from your busy schedule, you should have taken the liberty to ‘The Book of the Negroes’ to see the kind of punishment that is meted to rebellious servants, one of which is tying one horse to one leg of a slave and another horse to the other leg and then drive the horses in different directions.

The slave master would then order the slave’s wife, children, friends and other slaves to come and watch to see first-hand how a rebellious slave is treated, so as to discourage any form of rebellion. We hope and pray this is not the kind of America that president-elect, Trump will bring back before our very eyes.

While we all wait the world over with bated breath, wondering what the earthly god of America will bring in the form of punishment for those who dare not toe the line. I also hope he does not hastily deport African-American actor Samuel L Jackson for his ‘rebellious utterances’ that if Trump is elected president, he would immigrate to South Africa.

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