
Truck hijackers wanted

ALEXANDRA – Robbers of delivery man wanted.


Two men are wanted by the Alex police for hijacking and theft.

The perpetrators approached a delivery man at about midday on 21 July as he was getting into his Nissan truck after he delivered items at a shop on 10th Avenue. The driver claims that one of them pointed a gun at him from the driver’s side and forced him into the middle of the vehicle.

His accomplice entered from the passenger side and blindfolded the victim with a T-shirt before they drove off. In the process, they also searched his pockets and took R100 in cash and a Nokia cellphone. The also took a Pioneer car radio worth R1 200.

The victim was later dropped off and the truck is still to be found. The investigation continues.

Meanwhile, Alex Police Station Commander Colonel Nhluvuko Zondi has advised the public and delivery crews to exercise extra caution as gangs of two or three are said to be operating in the area.

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