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My boys had stage fright – coach

ALEXANDRA – Alex Royal Tigers shift focus to league defence following defeat in the Maimane Alfred Phiri Games 2016.


Following his U13 team’s defeat in the final of the Maimane Alfred Phiri (Map) Games 2016, coach and owner of Alex Royal Tigers, Thembinkosi ‘Tiger’ Matholengwe said the loss was not the end of the world.

He said the team was still going to reach many more finals and encouraged them to now shift their focus to defending the league championship. “We still have another shot at the Map Games next year but, for now, our focus should turn to the league,” he said.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Alex News, Matholengwe said he believed his boys lost the final of the Map Games because they were overawed by the big stage and the large crowd in attendance.

“I am not trying to find excuses for losing but I think they lost focus and concentration as they were intimidated by the crowds and stage – especially when it came to penalty kicks. We spent too much time in our training sessions practising penalty kicks. And when the game was deadlocked, I thought for once they would be able to pull through as I drilled them hard on how to take penalty kicks, the art of choosing a spot, and not making too much eye contact with the keeper. But unfortunately that was not to be,” said a disappointed Matholengwe.

“This is not the end of the world. I specifically said to my boys and told them we now have to shift our focus to defending our championship title in the league. They sort of understood, though you could read between the lines that they felt disappointed by the defeat.”

He added that he tried to console the boys by telling them that reaching the finals was, on its own, a good omen and winning the trophy would have been a bonus.

Matholengwe thanked the support he was getting from mentor Nkani Dube of Alex United, his entire board, staff and the parents and family members of the boys. “Without all of you, I am nothing and I feel humbled by your support and encouragement. Even when days are dark, you continue to shine the spotlight on the team,” he concluded.

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