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World Aids Day celebrated

JOBURG - The SABC teamed up with 5FM and loveLife to get the pupils at Progressive Bridging School tested for HIV/Aids on World Aids Day.

World Aids Day is commemorated on 1 December and it is a day when the world is encouraged to show their solidarity against the HIV/Aids pandemic, get tested for the virus, know their status and make informed life decisions.

Pupils of the school gathered at the SABC studios in Auckland Park and were educated about HIV/Aids and how to keep themselves healthy – no matter what their status may be.

It was a day jam-packed with fun and activities for the children during which they were treated to live music by the band, Down with the Beat, and musician and social activist, Nomi Supasta.

Lebo Maroo, deputy CEO of loveLife, was in attendance at the educational event and explained why it was so important for the youth to get tested and know their status.

“A young person who has not engaged in such activities yet, needs to be made aware that when they do start that, this is what you need to do and this is what could happen,” said Maroo.

“They need to understand their bodies and the way it functions, and when they begin to engage in those activities they need to know where to test and what to look out for.”

The children listened to educational songs from loveLife and were able to get tested for the virus.

“HIV is like high blood pressure,” added Maroo.

“If you don’t know that you have it, you won’t know that you need to take a pill to control it. If you detect any disease early you can get it treated, and with HIV you can also get help to prevent the onset of other associated illnesses.”

The pupils were able to find out about leading healthy lifestyles and how to keep it that way, which was followed by some lunch at Vuyo’s food truck and more educational games.

The day was a great edutainment success.

Details: 0800 121 900.

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