Editor's note

A man to look up to

Oliver Mutsu is an Orange Grove resident who sells clothes, books and other odds and ends to the community.

Not only is Mutsu making an honest living, he has, over the years, become a person who plays a vital role on 14th Street in Orange Grove. He says he keeps the street that he is based on clean and looks after the community in the area.

If only every entrepreneur in Joburg cared as much for their street or community. This is one man, with nothing but a simple wooden hut that he sells his goods from, who is making an impact. Can you imagine what a company that has two or three employees could do? If each business was able to manage the space around them, massive parts of Joburg would be kept clean and presentable.

Yes, it is not the responsibility of businesses to clean outside their shops, but where there is a will, there is a way. Instead of sitting back and complaining about litter, uncut grass, and untidiness – why not do something about it?

When reading Mutsu’s story I was struck by his enthusiasm, and believe that there are many business owners in Joburg who could learn a thing or two from him.

No one asked him to clean the road he works on. He simply does it.

Mutsu told The Rosebank Killarney Gazette’s sister publication, the North Eastern Tribune, that he hoped to make it in the ‘big world’ one day. Well, with an attitude like his, I am surprised he has not already made it. He saw a need in the community, devised a plan and made a success of it. Once his business was up and running, he saw another need.

While keeping the street clean is not going to make Mutsu money – he certainly has a knack for business and a love for his community. These are two ingredients that should spell success.

Mutsu says his plan when he wakes up every morning is to do good and he hopes the community trusts him to take care of 14th Street. What an amazing attitude to have – what an amazing man!

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