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Alex Police Station holds healing prayers

ALEXANDRA - Alex was blessed through prayers to heal police and residents from a trauma caused by a recent killing of a police officer and three civilians at the station by another officer.

Alex Police Station, its officers and the community were recently blessed through prayers conducted by Reverend Jacob Ntimbane of Beulah Worship Centre.

According to Rev Ntimbane, the prayers held at the police station were a call for divine support for officers struggling with trauma said to be affecting their morale.

“We need to uplift your spirits, unite police and the community, attend to the anger that leads to violence and help you deal with all daily adversities and challenges that need guidance and strength to overcome,” he said.

Rev Ntimbane said this was essential in the oldest township wounded by crime and where, despite any success and putting their lives in defence of citizens, the police were still vilified.

The prayers, he added, also affirmed that God was behind them 24/7 and would help the officers to loosen up. “They are all in agreement which further commits you to urge colleagues and residents to also pray for their enemies, neighbours to help them avoid grudges which lead to violence, crime and all social forces of evil testing the station,” he said.

Rev Ntimbane urged the station leadership not to throw in the towel, but to summon their professional qualities, wisdom and experience which will help them prevail in their duty of protecting the residents.

He requested them to also attend any prayer sessions hosted by other community structures to help the healing process, to unite police and residents and for peace.

Details: Alex Police Station 011 321 7600.

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