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Councillor hands petition on tavern to police

ALEXANDRA - Ward 91 councillor Andrew Stewart has handed a petition to the provincial police commissioner seeking action against a tavern said to be operating as a brothel.

Ward 91 councillor Andrew Stewart handed a petition to the provincial police commissioner seeking action against a tavern said to be operating as a brothel.

The petition with more than 100 signatures was submitted to the commissioner’s office for action against the tavern at the corner of 1st Street, Wynberg and 1st Avenue, Alexandra. It is alleged that it is also frequented by underage school girls and that it causes noise pollution for residents sometimes until early morning.

Stewart suspected the place may be used for other illicit activities. “It seems to operate with impunity and sometimes police and other posh vehicles are seen parked at this dingy and seedy place.”

He said the petition derived from complaints by community police forum and ward committee members who claim to have seen money exchanges between police officers and people associated with the tavern. They worry that the place may grow and flout more bylaws if it’s not controlled or closed down. Stewart said the alleged money exchange may be bribes for the officers to turn a blind eye on the place while residents’ peace at night is compromised, young girls were being recruited into prostitution and other crimes may be organised and executed at and from the place.

The petition is for the Commissioner to;

Take immediate action against the brothel.

Remove the tavern’s licence and liquor licence.

Take legal and criminal action against the tavern owner[s].

Engage the Department of Social Development to assist young girls found at the place.

At an Alex police cluster meeting last year, the MEC for Public Safety Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane castigated police management after the public’s outcry about police vehicles allegedly seen at taverns, taverns operating after hours without censure and causing noise pollution, poor police residents’ relations and the cessation of sector patrols.

Later, the Alex Community Police Forum chairperson Bulldog Rathokolo said the relations and also sector patrols had improved including police visibility in the area.

Details: Councillor Andrew Stewart; 083 564 0027.

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