Local sportSport

Sport bodies shun Region E meeting

ALEXANDRA - Region E sport bodies boycotted a meeting of the Executive Committee of the newly formed Region E Sport Council held on 29 November at the Altrek Sport Grounds.

Many Region E sport bodies failed to attend a meeting of the executive committee of the newly formed Region E Sport Council held on 29 November at the Altrek Sport Grounds.

The committee expressed its disappointment at the low turnout at its first general meeting since its formation in August, and said the apathy also translated to the participation being shown in the various sporting codes in the region.

“The response from the community and sporting bodies was not satisfactory looking at the number of people who showed up for the meeting,” said the sport council’s secretary general Themba Ndlovu.

“We invited the community and sporting bodies in the region, but we were amazed and disappointed by the low turnout.”

The meeting was described by Ndlovu as a success despite the low turnout. He said the objective of the meeting was to officially introduce the sport council and its executive to the community and sporting bodies in the region.

“This was also an opportunity for the sport council to inform the community and sporting bodies on its role, task and core functions while engaging with these bodies on general matters regarding the state of sport in the region,” Ndlovu said.

He said the meeting carried on with its programme regardless of the poor attendance, but had to be downgraded from a general meeting to an open consultative meeting. A new general meeting would be called within the first quarter of next year.

Sport council president Percy Ndaba opened the meeting and acknowledged those members who made time to attend. He described the gathering as an “important meeting of the council and for sport transformation in the region”.

Ndaba and Ndlovu lamented the general lack of participation in sport and the poor utilisation of sport facilities across Johannesburg. “This is the very reason why the local sport council has been formed,” Ndaba said. “Its mandate is precisely to increase participation in sport and the use of facilities made available by the municipality, and to ensure maximum participation and attendance of vital meetings such as this particular general meeting.”

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