
Hotel supports schools handsomely

ALEXANDRA - An international hotel group has set a trend in corporate citizenship by developing a long term partnership on community development.

An international hotel group has set a trend in corporate citizenship by developing a long-term partnership to assist community development.

The Sandton-based Hilton Hotel has developed a partnership with Carter Primary and Minerva Secondary School. The relationship was formed to improve educational facilities and learning environments, and providing post-school training and employment opportunities.

Jan Van Der Pullen, vice president of the hotel, said they were in a sustainable partnership with the schools. It started two years ago with painting school buildings and continued with gardening projects this year on Mandela Day. The now thriving garden at Minerva contributes vegetables to the school feeding programme and provides food parcels for home consumption for poor children.

This week is the hotel’s global week of service and Pullen and staff members went to the schools to imbed the partnership. They planted more vegetables at Minerva and donated books to both schools. Earlier, they hosted Minerva’s Grade 12 matric dance where motivational speakers encouraged students on the importance of education. Also, they advised them on potential career options in the hospitality industry as well as in information technology, engineering, accounting, sales, logistics and kitchen services. “Besides career guidance, the partnership will provide the children opportunities for job shadowing while still at school and internships thereafter.”

Pullen added that at Carter primary, they support a choir and dance group, which are career options they will support for some of the children. They are also assessing other areas for support including providing kitchen equipment and occasionally chefs to help improve the quality of meals and to pass on cooking skills to the kitchen staff.

There are other partners on board including the International Youth Foundation on a life skills programme, Green Earth Landscaping for recycling and organic fertilisation of the gardens, Firstrand which co-sponsored the matric dance and Charity Aid Foundation which mobilises other support.

Linah Mabungu Minerva Secondary School principal commended the hotel, saying it motivated the Grade 12 pupils to achieve better results this year and exposed them to career options. Lennox Mashigo, a teacher, said the partnership was historic as it was for the long term. “It exposes the students to the world of work by their participation in the garden and through the promised attachments for those who chose careers in the hospitality industry. A student, Thabo Sediane, said the garden enriched their theory of life sciences with practical experience in agriculture.

Details: Larry Khumalo; larry.khumalo@

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