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Victim of attempted eviction will not budge

ALEXANDRA - Kelinah Mabaso the widowed pensioner’s on 15 Avenue who had the roof of her house ripped off by a neighbour in a failed eviction attempt is to submit a quotation for the work to be redone.

A widowed pensioner on 15 Avenue who had the roof of her house ripped off by a neighbour in a failed eviction attempt, is to submit a quotation for the repairs to be redone.

Kelinah Mabaso, whose woes were covered in (Police save granny from eviction, week ending 18 July), reported the incident to the Alexandra police immediately.

They ordered the neighbour to restore the roof and other related damages to their original state. She sought legal intervention which reinforced the same order.

Mabaso said the job was done shoddily, twice. And after complaining, her legal team was asked by the neighbour’s lawyers to submit a quote for the work to be redone.

Mabaso said the shoddy work left her and her property exposed to bad weather. She claimed it was a sign of lack of remorse or concern for her plight and right to shelter. And that her security and welfare had been affected.

Kelinah Mabaso (67) expresses her anguish at the alleged attempted eviction by a neighbour she has shared the stand with for close to 50 years.
Kelinah Mabaso (67) expresses her anguish at the alleged attempted eviction by a neighbour she has shared the stand with for close to 50 years.

She said the inferior work was a sign that the neighbour regarded her as sub-human who deserved the worst; despite her being in a legally-allocated place.

“It’s a sign that the rich can freely do what they want [to] those they regard lowly. [The neighbour’s] action has hardened attitudes and is an emotionally painful experience to me as my house is the only safe place I know. I will withstand any attempt to get me out,” she stressed.

Mabaso further said that Mondays were bad days for her as the neighbour placed a mobile toilet next to her house for use by clients frequenting the [neighbour’s] shebeen. She said the stench from the toilet was unbearable, and at times used condoms and other disgusting waste was thrown next to her house.

“This inhumane act will not move me out,” she insisted.

She concluded that she was prepared to get through the ordeal and harassment legally to ensure restoration of her rights to shelter and dignity.

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