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Alex News provides link for community

ALEXANDRA - Newspapers are a daily essential for communicating the good and the bad and also transmit information and knowledge which has changed many lives for the better.

Newspapers are a daily essential for communicating information – both good and bad.

Alex News is one such player serving residents of Alexandra and nearby communities through 20 000 copies weekly, and more readers daily through its website. This could not be achieved through only the roving reporters and editors who dedicate themselves to gather and package the information, but also by those who make it available on readers’ doorsteps.

This reporter caught up with an important link between the paper and the community – the distributor.

Lolo Kekana is one of the twelve distributors of the paper in Extension 7 and 10, Tsutsumani, Eastbank, Far Eastbank and Riverpark. Kekana, who has been in the job for almost two years, said the work kept him busy and away from negative distractions, helped him keep up on the latest developments in Alex and also, to put food on the table. “We work from morning to midday and thereafter reflect on our experiences while doing the rounds. Some days I visit old age homes to volunteer my services for any work which will improve the well-being of our frail senior citizens,” he said

Kekana is hoping for better times to come and views his distribution job as a step in the right direction.

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