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Bombani Shelter in Alex celebrates 25 years of service

Bombani Shelter for Abused Women and Children in Alex delivered their annual general report while it celebrates 25 years since it started operating.

In celebration of its 25 years of service, Bombani Shelter for Abused Women and Children held an annual general meeting to discuss the organisation’s performance and affairs.

The shelter also celebrated its initiative of removing gender-based violence victims from ‘abusive and dangerous environments’ and offering them a temporary haven.

Ward 108 councillor Deborah Cashile Francisco
Ward 108 councillor Deborah Cashile Francisco delivers a financial performance report to the community. Photo: Alulutho Siboma,

Their objective is to alleviate abuse in Alexandra and surrounding areas and provide a temporary therapeutic residential care programme through in-house individual and group counselling.

Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane, one of the founders of the organisation said, “We offer a seven-month temporary therapeutic residential care programme and counselling for abused women and their children, and we also foster the healing of victims of abuse and further capacitate them with life skills and substantial programmes to develop their skill set and independence.”

Gloria Mabasa,
Gloria Mabasa, founder of Magezi Early Childhood Development, is one of the stakeholders in attendance. Photo: Alulutho Siboma

The shelter is also committed to educating the community about gender-based violence by distributing pamphlets, holding seminars, and providing information on the services available within the community for victims of GBV.

“This shelter is a haven for those who are abused. To be admitted, the victim must first go to the clinic or police station and file a case of assault, rape, or domestic abuse, after which we can then accept her at the shelter.

Vusi, one of the attendees
Vusi, one of the attendees gives thanks on behalf of community members. Photo: Alulutho Siboma

“The other option is to go to Adapt and request a recommendation letter. We do not accept anyone who self-admits. This is done to protect those who are already here and to prevent those fleeing from their perpetrators from finding out about our location.”

The shelter also extends its assistance to the victims by assisting them in gaining skills and developing formal and informal employment opportunities. They have organisations such as CJC to equip them with knowledge and Bokamoso which helps with computer skills.

Some of the community members in attendance
Some of the community members in attendance listen to the deliverance of the annual report. Photo: Alulutho Siboma

The purpose of this is for abused women to be empowered because they understand that some of them stay in abused homes just for stability and survival, so they want them to stand up for themselves and be independent.

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