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Let’s work together as a football family, says Seanego

ALEXANDRA – We want you to bring back the glory days of Alex football and uplift the legacy of Taunyane and others, says Ndaba.

Newly elected chairperson of the Alexandra Northrand Local Football Association Johannes Seanego has appealed for unity in the football family irrespective of the candidate people may have voted for.

Making his acceptance speech, Seanego also thanked the outgoing chairperson Maisha Molepo for the work he has done in the past 13 years or so and urged him to continue to work closely with the new leadership.

“I also want to thank my other challenger Banele Sangcozi and also call on him to always feel free to approach the new executive with whatever ideas he may have that will take our football to new heights,” Seanego said.

The new executive of the Alex Northrand LFA is led by (seated) chairperson Johannes Seanego, 2nd deputy chairperson Judith Lengwati, and deputy Eric Paul. Photo: Zanele Siso/Zanephoto

“We want to be a listening executive that really wants to take our football to greater heights. Our doors will always be open to anyone who has the good well-being of our football at heart. We are in this together.”

The new chairperson called on all club owners to always make sure they attend chairpersons’ meetings as ‘this body is one of the vehicles that will take our football to pastures green’.

“We all need to work together as one family to develop our football for the sake of our children and future generations to come.”

Alex resident and former Premier Soccer League top referee Sylvester ‘Profesori’ Ndaba told the new executive to hit the ground running as there is a lot of work that needs to be done. “Development starts early, with the children at the U10 level and we need people that will work hard and go out to do the work and not sit in their offices and warm their chairs.

New Alex Northrand LFA chairperson Johannes Seanego shares a strategy moment with his new deputy chairperson Eric Paul soon after their election. Photo: Zanele Siso/Zanephoto

“We expect you to take the boys and girls away from drugs, away from music bashes. We want you to win them back from all these social ills because if they can do football, they will also do school.”

Ndaba also thanked what he called selfless club owners who use their household funds to better children of the community. “I urge you in your new positions to work like these club owners.

“When there a project to be done, don’t ask what’s in it for me. We want you to bring back the glory days of Alex football and uplift the legacy of the late [Dr Leepile] Taunyane and other leaders of the LFA who worked tirelessly and selflessly for the children.”

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