
What’s your retirement goal personality?

Naked Nik, Middling Michelle or Crafty Chris - which retirement goal personality are you? Take the quiz to find out...

Figure out how you can boost your retirement savings plan by taking the below quiz to find your retirement goal personality:

On hearing that you have been awarded a salary increase, you:

  1. Can’t wait to spend it on those new kicks you’ve been eyeing.
  2. Breathe a sigh of relief. Now you can finally make a dent in your credit card balance.
  3. Look forward to adding to your monthly contribution to your retirement savings fund.

You think the difference between a retirement annuity (RA) and a pension fund is:

  1. No clue, but I need to worry about that only when I’m in my 60s, right?
  2. Don’t really know, but it shouldn’t matter as long as I have one of them, should it?
  3. A pension fund is what I have at the office, which is supplemented by the savings I make into my RA, my individual policy.

You live by the saying…

  1. YOLO — You only live once!
  2. The secret to happiness is accepting your lot in life.
  3. The best way to take care of your future is to plan and prepare in the present.

To you, a budget is…

  1. Budget? What’s that?
  2. A nice-to-have, something to look at on the occasional quiet Saturday.
  3. An essential part of your roadmap to financial freedom.

You’ve landed your dream job, it’s time to move on. What about the money you have saved in the company pension fund?

  1. Cash out! You need a new wardrobe for your new gig.
  2. Take half the money to pay debts and have some fun, and move the rest to the new company’s pension fund.
  3. Do some research and either move the whole balance to the new company’s fund or to a carefully selected low-cost preservation fund.

Mostly As: Naked Nik/Nikita

Nik (like too many South Africans) believes retirement is something to worry about when you’re retired. Start by making a plan using the 10X Investments’ retirement savings calculator.

Mostly Bs: Middling Mike/Michelle

Don’t rest on a false sense of security that your company’s HR team is going to plan our pension. Revisit your retirement savings plan (or open one if you don’t have one) and check that it will give you what you need from it.

Mostly Cs: Crafty Chris

You could very well be on track to join the FIRE community (Financially Independent, Retire Early), but the earlier you retire the longer your savings will have to last you. For some of us, the idea of being a retiree for 50 years is just as daunting as being a worker for 40.

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Gareth Drawbridge

Digital content producer

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