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Timely donation of soaps and other items for Alex hospice

ALEXANDRA – We desperately needed the soaps to bathe our patients as we were already running short,' said nurse in charge, Joyce Khumalo.

The Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa made a huge donation of food parcels and other items to the Alex Hospice and Rehabilitation Centre for terminally ill patients to mark Freedom Day celebrations.

Joyce Khumalo, a professional nurse and sister in charge at Alex hospice, expressed her gratitude for the donation, saying it will go a long way towards helping run the centre in a professional manner.

“These people are good Samaritans,” said Kumalo, adding: “We really needed the soaps for our patients as we were running short, and this donation really comes as a huge relief for the hospice as we also received food parcels to feed our patients.”

The items donated as part of the Freedom Day celebrations were on 27 April, included items like bags of maize meal, a bag of potatoes, boxes of creamora powdered milk, and bars of sunlight soap.

The Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa donates food parcels to the Alex Hospice and Rehabilitation Centre. Photo: Comfort Makhanya

Chairperson of the Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa Naresh Ramatar said it was important for the centre to continue its work of helping the less fortunate members of society as this was one of the core founding principles of the centre, which turns 79 years this year.

“When Covid-19 hit our shores in 2020, through the goodwill of the society, we were able to provide more than 20 tons of various relief supplies to different institutions including this hospice as well.

“We tend to forget our families who are in conditions such as these at the Alex hospice, especially when approaching celebrated days like Freedom Day, hence we feel these donations will help put a smile on the faces of those who feel left alone,” said Ramatar.

The hospice is on the verge of moving to its new state-of-the-art building which is rising high as one of the new landmarks of Alexandra, located in the Far East Bank section of the township and will able to accommodate more people.

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