
Woman hijacked at local garage

ALEXANDRA – Brazen hijackers disappear in female motorist's car

Alexandra and Bramley police stations are investigating the hijacking of a female motorist by two armed suspects on 3 March in Wynberg.

Alex Police Station spokesperson Constable Simphiwe Mbatha said the incident occurred at about noon near a garage at the intersection of Old Pretoria Road and Chadwick Avenue. “The victim parked her vehicle to ask petrol attendants for directions to Kew when one of the suspects, holding a gun, approached and grabbed her handbag,” added Mbatha.

ALSO READ: How to save your life during a hijacking

The two men threw her to the ground and the woman managed to hold onto her bag while screaming for help. “They threatened to shoot her and they eventually wrestled the bag from her. The victim tried to get back into the vehicle which still had the keys in the ignition but the suspects beat her to it and drove off in it.”

Mbatha said the vehicle hadn’t been recovered at the time of reporting.

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