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Beggars’ friends will be few this festive seasons

ALEXANDRA – When days are dark, friends will be few this festive season.

The adage, ‘when days are dark friends are few’ aptly describes what displaced people experience daily and is likely to compound in the festive season.

For many, there will be excessive eating and drinking while displaced people starve in full view of those who will not even give them a second glance. Many of us will pass them by at intersections and at the doors of supermarkets asking not for much but just a bit to be able to live for another day. Nights are likely to be better for them as the darkness masks those who will be enjoying themselves throughout the night.

Homeless children may be without food or care in Alex this festive season. Photo: Leseho Manala

So is the life of hundreds, a few who will be lucky to get tossed a pair of trousers, dress, shoes or half a burger which the benefactor has had enough of. It’s a life of misery for our fellow human beings, many of whom it’s through no fault of their own. They dread to go through yet another festive season without shelter, food, clothes on their bodies and opportunities for even the basic of incomes.

Food will be wasted as the poor in Alex starve. Photo: Leseho Manala

Their plight is not only ignored by the cold-hearted but even by some so-called Christians who do not miss their daily prayers but ignore the plight of these vulnerable people.

Dumpsites include food that could have been shared with the poor, Photo: Leseho Manala

Very few can count the few times they have parted with a coin to aid a beggar while many of us will shamefully recoil when approached by them. It is our life of greed, insensitivity and self-pride that hardens our very core against feelings for others who are less-fortunate.

It is a test of our remaining humanity to at least extend a hand to our fellow human beings. Why not make it one less fortunate soul’s day which they will forever remember and endear you among the few who have made a change in the life of another soul.

This in keeping with the adage, ‘Give and you will be able to count your blessings.’

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