
New commander looks up to the challenge

ALEXANDRA – Love for secure society drives Alex's new top cop


Alex Police Station’s newly appointed commander has residents in her sight as partners in her strategy to combating crime.

This was the theme conveyed by Brigadier Lindiwe Victoria Magudulela who took over from Brigadier Zoleka Kuboni who transferred to Roodepoort. Magudulela is the third female head of the station in succession including before them, Brigadier Nhluvuko Zondi. This seemingly signals the steeliness and nurturing instincts from the service’s female heads in healing and returning this fractured society to normalcy.

Magudulela, whose ancestral home is Emnambithi, in KwaZulu-Natal where she was brought up by her grandmother, hails from Soweto where she was educated and lived under a strict, disciplinarian grandfather who was a security guard. Democracy came during the height of crime which she pinned on the previous oppressive. “The disciplinarian foundation made me aware of and inculcated in me, an interest in the police force as enforcers of positive values, rights and security of particularly the weaker sections of society,” she said decrying the spectre of gender-based violence and abuse, especially rape and excessive violence against the girl child.

“Like most of our society, we require a collective effort and commitment to heal and promote the rights of every citizen and to build a normal functioning community in the case of Alexandra.

She partly attributed unrelenting violent crime in the township to patriarchy. “Instead of men protecting girls as daughters and sister and women as spouses, mothers and grandmothers, the abuse leaves them scarred and sometimes traumatised for life even when provided counselling.

“The physical and emotional wounds sustained may heal but the victims may never be the same and able to play freely with other children their own age,” she added lamenting the crucial stages of play, self- discovery and freedoms which girls miss when attending many counselling sessions to help them heal.

“Also, the trauma instilled in them after the sexual abuse makes victims fear to be in the presence of people they are uncomfortable with.”

Magudulela reflected in her the hurt and pain felt when commiserating with the abuse victims and believes her career makes her contribute tangible service to the victims. Her career in the police service started as a constable in 1994 at the Joburg Central Police Station where she rose to position of captain. “In teams, we worked on crime prevention and witnessed the abuse in trains and the streets.”

Alex Police Station’s new commander, Brigadier Lindiwe Victoria Magudulela. Photo: Leseho Manala

She was promoted to Parkview Police Station to lead in crime prevention for eight years and after that became Vispol Commander at Jeppe Police Station followed by a stint as Joburg cluster coordinator based at Hillbrow Police Station where she advanced to the Vispol Commander position prior to her current promotion. “The pleasure I derive from my cumulative experience is the priceless delight I see in victims who have been helped by the police.

“We rejoice seeing their contentment when their abusers are nabbed and prosecuted. The great feeling and benefit to them is beyond monetary value.”

She is not deterred by Alex’s challenges. “Besides the high-rise buildings, some hijacked, some abandoned, used by criminals and with dysfunctional lifts making it hard to patrol, Hillbrow is like Alex in overcrowding.

“Alex’s challenge is from the narrow alleys which impede patrols’ quick access to crime spots and the occasional blackouts which favour criminals.

“Still, we won’t relent in our duty and urge for partnership with residents who live with and know the criminal elements.”

She commended the police forum for familiarising her with key stakeholders and crime context, provincial police for rapid response through the public policing unit when requested. She pleaded with other government departments to improve the policing environment. “The departments of transport and housing should improve mobility and access into homes respectively in the four cluster areas.”

Magudule decried the proliferation of real and toy guns used in crime. “Searches will intensify in the streets and we expect partnerships from residents who we are here for.”

She looks forward to spending time on the beat and attend sector and public meetings to foster the partnership. She urged those with complaints about the police to contact her or send WhatsApp messages to 082 375 7025.

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