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Sports brings young people together

ALEXANDRA - YOUNG people were brought together through sports at a camp by Special Olympics South Africa.

Special Olympics South Africa hosted the first Camp Shriver in honour of the founder, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.

The camp brought young people with intellectual disabilities together at the 3 Square Sports Grounds. The aim of the camp was to make children with intellectual disabilities aware that they could do anything that other children could do.

Young people from special and mainstream schools were given an opportunity to participate in various sports and activities.

Mmane Boikanyo of Special Olympics said, “We want children from mainstream and special schools to understand each other through sports.”

Special Olympics sports co-ordinator, Wanga Manyala said they wanted to foster a culture of inclusion in communities for people with disabilities. He said, “We hope to change people’s attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities through sports.”

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One Comment

  1. The event went so wonderfull indeed! and what we have above here, is it! thanking all who made it possible, that includes athletes, partners,volonteers and the Operations team. cannot forget the community and the venue managers together with the media coverage we recieved! thank you, thank you!!! #theres always a nect time>>>>

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