
Local early child learning centre Boitumelong hosts kid’s music concert

ALEXANDRA – We hosted this event to raise funds for the school and to unearth talent in these young creatives.


Nokulunga Ncube, the manager of Boitumelong Early Child Learning Centre in Alexandra has thanked parents and community members who came in their numbers to support a children’s music event held by the school.

The music concert was held at Central Johannesburg College in Kew with the aim of unearthing young talent and to encourage parents to support their children who are talented in music, dance and acting.

Young models of Boitumelong Early Child Learning Centre. Photo: Nduduzo Nxumalo.

“We hosted this event to raise funds for the school and to unearth talent in these young creatives. Our children, especially in townships, are very talented in sport, art and other activities, however, when they grow up this talent dissipates simply because there no one nurtures it. As a school, we always encourage creative art in the school,” Mncube said.

Young models of Boitumelong Early Child Learning Centre. Photo: Nduduzo Nxumalo.

Scores of parents and ordinary community members flocked into the main hall of the campus and indulged themselves in angelic voices of music performances from different music groups.

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