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Land expropriation will end xenophobia-EFF

ALEXANDRA – Xenophobia blamed on African governments' fixation on borders


No African should be called a foreigner anywhere on the continent which should be rid of borders that cause Afrophobia.

This was said by EFF proportional representative councillor in Alex, Moshe Mphahlele after the recent looting of businesses and the 12 related deaths. Ten of the victims were SA citizens and the other two were Zimbabwean nationals.

“The fixation about borders should end,” Mphahlele said attributing them to the mayhem which has a history of flaring up sporadically and mostly targeting the businesses of African migrants. The borders imposed on the continent, he added, were the source of conflict which is over natural resources such as land and others which should be accessed by all for their livelihood, homes, farming, and businesses.

Result of the looting in Alex. Photo: Leseho Manala

He called the conflicts shameful. “They will end only if nation-states and not governments change, and made the land a sacrosanct right for its worth as a means of food production and survival particularly for marginalised groups who are at risk without it. “It’s a sad indictment on the government which fans the Afrophobic sentiments resulting in the conflicts caused by its failure to provide equal access to the land, adequate services to citizens and to unite the different nationalities whose common interest is to survive on the little left by colonial decimation of the continent’s resources.”

These sentiments, he added, reflected self-hate and fear which caused the primitive reaction of violence when there were no rules controlling access, use and protection of what remains on the land. This he said referring to the country’s mineral resources which were plundered by colonialists.

A victim of a recent eviction ponders the damage to his home. Photo: Leseho Manala

Mphahlele urged governments on the continent to expedite land expropriation and redistribution to prevent the flare-ups of looting by the growing population of restive youth. “Most of them are well educated and with skills and qualifications to start productive ventures, and want to move freely to exchange goods, services, and expertise,” he said referring to the free movement among Schengen countries in Europe.

He claimed only the EFF could give them this opportunity. “They [youth] are the continent’s hope for economic growth, security, and development and we will ensure their equitable access to land, financial resources and technical support and build homes only for the elderly, child-headed households and the disabled.”

He castigated those blaming all forms of criminality on non-citizens saying the drug dealers should be prosecuted along with local drug lords who destroy children through the locally made nyaope drug. Also, he blamed citizens for colluding with criminals by not reporting the dealers among them and corruption in the public and private sectors. “They [private sector] promote organised crime and economic sabotage by corrupting and weakening the justice system.”

EFF proportional representative councillor in Alex, Moshe Mphahlele. Photos: Leseho Manala

Mphahlele claimed Alexandra’s was an example of a corrupt public sector. “Previous uncaring administrations which were dethroned want to reclaim authority in order to gain access and control of public resources and further perpetuate corruption, and the misery of the residents.”

Destroyed homes of eviction victims. Photo: Leseho Manala

This he said in reference to the ongoing evictions of occupants of RDP houses and others in bonded houses and the general wasteful expenditure he attributed to those involved in the previous local administration. “The Independent Police Investigating Directorate has been drawn in to investigate the previous administrators who seem untouchable by the local police.”

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