
Unique Mammals of the Kruger

There are a total of 147 mammal species inhabiting the park but there are a select few, other than the Big Five, that are truly unique

The Kruger is regarded as one of the best places in Africa to see the notorious Big Five. Boasting two million hectares of untouched wilderness and an abundance of wildlife, the Kruger promises an unforgettable safari adventure. There are a total of 147 mammal species inhabiting the park, including than the Big Five, but there are a select few that are truly unique and should be seen up-close.


Cheetah are considered a vulnerable species in South Africa, with only a few hundred found in the Kruger. They are the world’s fastest land mammal, using their incredibly muscular legs to reach speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour. This speed can only be sustained for a short time period so cheetah do try and sneak up on their prey before chasing them down. A cheetah is the only cat species that cannot roar and doesn’t have fully retractile claws.


The African wild dog, also known as a painted wolf, is regarded to be one of the most successful hunters in the bush. Wild Dogs are highly sociable, living and hunting in packs. There is an alpha male and female pair in every pack and they are the only ones in the pack that are allowed to have pups. Because wild dogs aren’t breeding in large numbers, the species is considered endangered and the Kruger is one of very few places in Africa where you can still see them.


The side-striped jackal is a lot rarer and slightly bigger than its cousin – the black-backed jackal. Side-striped jackals love the woodland savannas and tend to avoid very open savannah, dense forests and extremely arid areas. They are most active at night and are both predator and scavenger. Jackals are territorial animals and only leave their homes when needing water. Female jackals also move around a lot more when they have very young pups as jackals are preyed upon by lions, leopards and hyenas.


Giraffe are the world’s tallest land mammals, with a long neck, legs, eye lashes and tongue. Standing as tall as 5,5 meters, this beautiful creature is often seen browsing the leaves of thorn trees and when drinking water, they awkwardly bend their front legs and kneel down to reach the water. Giraffe are truly one of a kind, with four stomachs and the strength to stand and run  just ten hours after being born. Giraffe can run as fast as 56 kilometers per hour.


The spotted hyena is one of Africa’s most well-known scavengers but many don’t know that hyenas are also successful hunters, feeding on wildebeest, antelope, birds, lizards, snakes and insects. Most travelers who are lucky enough to see a spotted hyena, remember them for their whooping laughter – a sound often heard at night in the Kruger.

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